
김덕열 성형외과장

로봇내시경유방수술, 피부암, 두경부암, 안면외상 및 두피재건, 눈/코성형, 귀성형, 욕창
오전 월, 목, 토(3주)
오후 수(1,3주(클리닉)), 금(2,4주)
교수 경력
  • 고려대학교
  • 차의과학대학교
진료 경력
  • 서울아산병원 성형외과 전임의
  • 고려대학교 의과대학 안산병원 성형외과 전임의
  • 고려대학교 의과대학 구로병원 성형외과 조교수
  • 現 차의과학대학교 분당차병원 성형외과 부교수
학회/연구/Postdoctorial Fellowship/수상경력
  • 학회
  • 대한성형외과학회 정회원
  • 대한미용성형외과학회 정회원
  • 대한두개안면성형외과학회 정회원
  • 대한미세수술학회 정회원

  • Postdoctorial Fellowship
  • Visiting Researh Scholar, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  1. Outcomes of ADM assisted Implant-based Breast Reconstructions according to Division Types of the Pectoralis Major Muscle, AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY, 2024-09, (국외)SCI
  2. Effectiveness of A Postoperative Continuous Irrigation System via Catheter Following Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction, Archives of aesthetic plastic surgery, 2022-11, (국내)기타
  3. Nipple Reconstruction using the Semilunar Flap and Omega-shaped Acellular Dermal Matrix Strut, Aesthetic plastic surgery, 2021-06, (국외)SCIE
  4. Secondary acellular dermal matrix application to integrated primary acellular dermal matrix in implant-based breast reconstruction, Journal of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery : JPRAS, 2020-05, (국외)SCI
  5. Considerations for patient selection: Prepectoral versus subpectoral implant-based breast reconstruction, Archives of plastic surgery, 2019-10, (국내)SCOPUS
  6. The Effect of Hyaluronidase on the Fat Graft, The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2019-08, (국외)SCI
  7. Distribution of Internal Thoracic Artery Perforators: A Clincal Anatomy Study, Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.), 2018-11, (국외)SCI
  8. Semilunar Flap for Minimizing the Scar Length in Nipple Reconstruction, Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 2018-07, (국외)SCOPUS
  9. Safety and tolerability of intradiscal implantation of combined autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and hyaluronic acid in patients with chronic discogenic low back pain: 1-year follow-up of a phase I study, Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2017-10, (국외)SCIE
  10. Postoperative Changes in Isolated Medial Orbital Wall Fractures Based on Computed Tomography., The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2017-10, (국외)SCI
  11. Nipple Reconstruction with a C-V Flap Overgrafted with AlloDerm, Archives of aesthetic plastic surgery, 2017-09, (국내)기타
  12. Actinomycosis in a Mucosal Lesion on a Created Perioral Dimple: A Case Report, Archives of aesthetic plastic surgery, 2017-08, (국내)기타
  13. Trichilemmal Carcinoma from Proliferating Trichilemmal Cyst on the Posterior Neck, Archives of craniofacial surgery, 2017-02, (국내)기타
  14. Quantitative Correlation Between Hyaluronic Acid Filler and Hyaluronidase., The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2016-10, (국외)SCI
  15. Netrin-1-Induced Stem Cell Bioactivity Contributes to the Regeneration of Injured Tissues via the Lipid Raft-Dependent Integrin α6β4 Signaling Pathway., Scientific reports, 2016-10, (국외)SCI
  16. Prospective 1-Year Follow-Up Study of Breast Augmentation by Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer, Aesthetic surgery journal / the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery, 2015-07, (국외)SCIE
  17. Traumatic oculomotor nerve palsy, Archives of plastic surgery, 2015-02, (국내)SCOPUS
  18. Antifibrogenic effects of B16 melanoma-conditioned medium, The Journal of surgical research, 2014-10, (국외)SCI
  19. DIscriminant function analysis for sex determination using landmark coordinate data from three-dimensional mandible models, The Australian journal of forensic sciences, 2014-08, (국외)SCIE
  20. A Novel Method for Correction of the Hypoplastic Pixie Earlobe Deformity: V-Y Advancement Flap and Dermofat Graft, Annals of plastic surgery, 2014-06, (국외)SCI
  21. A New Skin Flap Method for Total Auricular Reconstruction in Microtia Patients with a Reconstructed Ear Canal : Extended Scalp and Extended Mastoid Postauricular Skin Flaps, Journal of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery : JPRAS, 2014-02, (국외)SCI
  22. Regarding Fingertip Reconstruction With Simultaneous Flaps and Nail Beds Grafts Following Amputation"", The Journal of hand surgery, 2014-01, (국외)SCIE
  23. Cheek Drooping in 2 Patients With Maxillary Fractures After Rigid Fixation With Bioabsorbable Mesh, The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2013-12, (국외)SCI
  24. Transport Distraction Osteogenesis With Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 for Large Calvarial Defect Reconstruction, The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2013-12, (국외)SCI
  25. Human embryonic stem cells derived endothelial Precursor Cell Conditioned Medium Reduces the Thickness of the Capsule Around Silicone Implants in Rats, Annals of plastic surgery, 2013-12, (국외)SCI
  26. Giant Eccrine Hidradenoma Mimicking a Malignant Tumor of the Salivary Gland, Archives of plastic surgery, 2013-12, (국내)SCOPUS
  27. Siblings with opposite chromosome constitutions, dup(2q)/del(7q) and del(2q)/dup(7q), Gene, 2013-09, (국외)SCI
  28. Fingertip Reconstruction With Simultaneous Flaps and Nail Bed Grafts Following Amputation, The Journal of hand surgery, 2013-03, (국외)SCIE
  29. Primary Intraosseous Hemangioma in the Frontal Bone, Archives of plastic surgery, 2013-03, (국내)SCOPUS
  30. Eyelid Dynamics and Supratarsal Crease Appearance After Double Eyelid Surgery, The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2013-02, (국외)SCI
  31. 지방흡입물로부터 추출한 기질혈관분획의 분석, 대한미용성형외과 학회지, 2013-02, (국내)KCI
  32. 옆구리 부위의 연부조직 결손에 대한 역넓은등근 근육피판을 이용한 치험례, 대한성형외과학회지, 2011-10, (국내)KCI
  33. Treatment of Frontal Sinus Fracture UsingBioabsorbable Mesh Plates, The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2011-09, (국외)SCI
  34. Y-M 성형술을 이용한 내안각 췌피 교정, 대한미용성형외과 학회지, 2011-06, (국내)KCI
  35. 20, 30대 한국 남성의 전두부 모발선의 모양과 위치, 대한성형외과학회지, 2011-03, (국내)KCI
  36. 자기공명영상 유도하 고집적 초음파 치료 후에 발생한 피부화상의 치험례, 대한화상학회지, 2010-05, (국내)기타
  37. 가성 부갑상선 기능저하증의 이형 석회화 치험례, 대한성형외과학회지, 2010-04, (국내)KCI
  38. 거대 흉벽 결손에 대한 확장 외복사근 근피판을 이용한 흉벽재건 치험례, 대한성형외과학회지, 2010-03, (국내)KCI
  39. XPS Microresector(Shaver)를 이용한 여성형유방증 수술, 대한성형외과학회지, 2009-07, (국내)KCI
  40. 유방확장기만을 사용한 유방재건술 후 c-v 피판을 이용한 유두재건술, 대한성형외과학회지, 2009-04, (국내)KCI
  41. XPS Microresector(Shaver)를 이용한 액취증 수술, 대한성형외과학회지, 2008-07, (국내)KCI
  42. 두피 팽창술을 이용한 화상성 두발 결손 재건, 대한화상학회지, 2007-01, (국내)기타